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寂浪 孙尧 上海八大画廊个展
2018 年 6 月 16 日,“寂浪·孙尧个展”于八大画廊举行。此次展览将分别呈现艺术家近两年的部分作品,涵盖了“无地”(Neverland)系列和最新的“花火”(Hana-bi)、“夜涌”(Surging of the Night)以及“圣地”(The Sacred Place)系列作品。
寂浪 八大画廊
艺术家: 孙尧
时间: 2018.6.16 – 2018.7.30
开幕式: 2018.6.16 15:00
地点: 上海八大画廊
Silent Waves - Sun Yao Solo Exhibition in PATA Gallery Shanghai
“Silent Wave - Sun Yao Solo Exhibition” is opened in PATA gallery on June 16th, 2018. The exhibition presents Sun Yao's works that created in the past two years, including the "Neverland" series and the latest "Hana-bi" series, "Surging of the Night" and "The Sacred Place" series.
Silent Waves PATA Gallery Shanghai
Artist: Sun Yao
Duration: 2018.6.16 – 2018.7.30
Openning: 2018.6.16 15:00
Address: PATA Gallery Shanghai, 101, Building 4A, No.50 Moganshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai
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