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汪一 荣获约翰·莫尔优秀奖

2018 410 日,"2018 约翰·莫尔绘画奖(中国)获奖及入围作品展"于上海民生现代美术馆正式开幕。


本次展览为约翰·莫尔绘画奖创立以来展出规模最大的一次。艺术家钟学庆凭借作品《如履薄冰》获得 2018 约翰·莫尔绘画奖(中国)大奖,艺术家段晓刚、霍旭旻、潘琳和汪一获得优秀奖。


素有英国"绘画界的奥斯卡"之称的"约翰·莫尔绘画奖", 成立于 1957 年,至今已有 60 年历史。作为架上艺术的国际竞逐平台和绘画类最重要的艺术奖项,曾挖掘了大卫·霍克尼、彼得·多依格、理查德·汉密尔顿等诸多艺术家。 2010 年,上海大学美术学院与英国约翰·莫尔利物浦展览基金会联合将"约翰·莫尔绘画奖"正式引进中国,并与英国本地赛事同步,形成跨越中英两地每两年举办一届的常规艺术赛事。


Wang Yi Won Excellent Award of John Moores Painting Prize (China)

The "2018 John Moore Painting Prize (China) Exhibition" was officially opened at Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum on April 10th, 2018


This exhibition is the largest ever since the founding of the John Moore Painting Awards. The artist Zhong Xueqing won the First Award e of "2018 John Moore Painting Prize (China)" with his work "The Thin Ice". The artists Duan Xiaogang, Huo Xuwei, Pan Lin and Wang Yi won the Excellence Award.

John Moores Painting Awards

Known as the British "Oscar in the Painting", the "John Moore Painting Prize" was founded in 1957 and has a history of 60 years. As the most important art award in the international competition platform, many artists such as David Hockney, Peter Doig, and Richard Hamilton have been excavated. In 2010, the Shanghai University Academy of Fine Arts and the British John Moore Liverpool Exhibition Foundation jointly promote the “John Moore Painting Prize” to China, and synchronized with the British local events to form a biennial art event across China and the United Kingdom.

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