造影 抽象艺术群展
2018 年 10 月 07 日「造影」抽象艺术群展在 Liang Project Co Space 隆重开幕。本次展览「造影」是艺术家从原始艺术、中世纪的宗教艺术、东方的文字、书法中吸收了养料,也从中国的老庄哲学、佛教禅宗中择取了适应 20 世纪西方哲学和人们心理状态的观念。一些作品表现出空无的社会虚无主义倾向,但也有作品反映了人们对美好未来的憧憬,具有积极、进取和乐观的思想感情。真实自然物象的描绘予以简化或完全抽离的艺术,它的美感内容借由形体、线条、色彩的形式组合或结构来表现。
Liang Project Co Space
艺术家: 丁乙、李超、刘广云、陆新建、马树青、曲丰国、申凡、王一、萧搏
展览时间: 2018.10.7 – 2018.11.13
开幕时间: 2018.10.7 16:00 – 18:00
The "Visualgraphy" abstract painting group exhibition was grandly opened at Liang Project Co Space on October 07, 2018. The exhibition "Visualgraphy" presents audiences with artist's nourishment absorption from primitive art, medieval religious art, oriental characters and calligraphy, which is also selected from Taoist philosophy and Buddhist Zen in China to adapt to concept of Western philosophy and citizen's psychological state from 20thcentury. Some pieces of work illustrate an empty social nihilism tendency, but other works reflect people's longing to a bright future with positive, enterprisingand optimistic thoughts and feelings. The art of depicting real natural objects is simplified or completely abstracted, and its aesthetic content is represented by a combination or structure of forms, lines, and colors.
Liang Project Co Space
Artist: Ding Yi, Li Chao, Liu Guangyun, Lu Xinjian, Ma Shuqing, Qu Fengguo, Shen Fan, Wang Yi, Xiao Bo
Duration: 2018.10.7 – 2018.11.13
Opening: 2018.10.7 16:00 – 18:00
Address: Room 102, Building 18, No.50 Moganshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai